A Brief History of Time

With over more than 25 million copies sold and translated into more than 35 languages, it is one of the few books that made science on hand to non-scientists. From an interesting perspective of a common man, completely averse to the jargon of the science world, this book broke the whole notion. Putting his years of groundbreaking research in a book form, Stephen Hawking himself stated that “my goal is to explain how far we had come in our understanding of the universe and how mankind might be close to finding a unified theory”, which he certainly won.

He very much explained the basic concepts of the universe with a bit of humor. The book certainly resolved the common curiosity of:

Was there a beginning of time?” “Could time run backward?” “Is the universe infinite or does it have boundaries?”

Even people with a scientific background found it to be a fun read.

Starting from what we know currently about the universe, he explored multiple levels of theoretical physics such as space, time, expansion of the universe, uncertainty principle, black holes and their nature, origin, and fate of the universe, and the unification of physics. Well, these jargons become non-intimidating after a series read of A Brief History of Time. He used very simple words and the usual interpretation of everyday life to demonstrate Physics's complex theories and principles. By that on hold, I can say this is digestible to everyone with or without scientific background making them wonder about the beauty of the universe, leaving some intimidated by the facts. For some, it even took a twice-read to digest.

His attempt at highlighting and sometimes explaining the contribution of scientists so far and the evolution of science is far-fetched. From this, he has established himself as the genius of his generation. This book certainly has the power to alter your intellect like you experienced never before.

I was totally amazed by the concepts in this book. In fact, I wasn’t sure whether I will be able to understand the basic complexities of theoretical physics. But this book gave a pleasant reading experience. This definitely worth multiple reads. This book can, for sure, lays the foundation for the pivot to hang around the universe. I must say by this far that it will never upset an individual regardless of their any field of expertise. This book is more than just an explanation of physics.

Read this book to find out the interesting truth about the universe.